
Running Ubuntu 10.4 and Python 2.6.5.

Been putzing around with Python for 3-4 years now.

Quite comfortable with the language and I'm just branching
out to untried areas...like SIP.

So, I wrote a little C++ class called word and provided a method
called reverse which does nothing but "return (static char *)Null".

I then ran "gcc -o libword.so -shared word.cpp" to make my little
fictional library (as referred to in the text).

I then made the word.sip and configure.py files and ran configure.py.
Prior to running make I copied libword.so into /usr/lib so the linker would
find it.  Running make and 'make install' ran flawless, as did everything
until now.

At this point, if I understand the theory here, I figured I'd start up a
Python command line session and issue the command "import word" and
then try "word.reverse()".  To my surprise I got the following error:

>>> import word
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ImportError: ./word.so: undefined symbol: _ZNK4Word7reverseEv

I've tried numerous incantations with no luck.  I figured this would work
without my having to go and learn all about PyQT just to get it to run.
Is that unreasonable ?

The command "Readelf -s word.so" shows the symbol is listed in the

What am I missing here?

           Gary ---


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