
I hope to get some help with the following problem.

First a little situation sketch:
I have a QTableView with a custom model (subclass from QAbstractTableModel) and 
a custom itemdelegate(subclassed from QItemDelegate).
The QItemDelegate provides for two of the 5 columns an custom editor. For the 
other columns the default QLineEdit is returned.
The tableview is show using a QGraphicsProxyWidget is  QGrapicsView.

Now the problem:
The problem is that after an editor is returned and the user can happely start 
to input data. However while the QTableView is in EditingState it starts to 
poll the model aggressivly by calling it's data method. This polling causes the 
editing to slow down to a crawl ( Noticable because the keyboard input becomes 
more or less  unresponsive). Is there a way to stop the polling while 
QtableView is in EditingState ? Or am i doing something else horribly wrong ?

Thanks in advance,
Daniel Benden

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