One user reported back to me that this is is a resolution problem.

> AFAIK, most Xorg drivers can detect the screen resolution (in dots per
> inch) correctly. However they then "lie" about it and report 96x96 dpi,
> whatever the real value is. (They do this to mimick Windows behaviour,
> which always consider any screen to be 96x96 dpi so that developers who
> don't understand resolution can still get something to work -- more
> details on

> So if you're using pixel-based placement for a part of your UI and
> point-based placement for other parts (hence depending on the
> resolution), you may very well end with errors like the one I just
> experienced.

However, some drivers or systems only report the real resolution and then it 
goes wrong.

>From what he wrote I think my QGraphicsTextItems are pixel based and the 
>lineitems are point based and that is the problem.
It seems that my QGraphicLine items are always right and the TextItems are wrong

Is there a "real" solution to that?


On Thu, 19 Jan 2012 22:52:15 +0100
David Boddie <> wrote:

> On Thu Jan 19 18:20:39 GMT 2012, Nils wrote:
> > Everything display related helps: I believe closed nvidia drivers
> > will shift the symbol. I tested it myself on ati and intel graphics, both
> > 32 and 64 bit and it looked good, both on Linux and Windows. Other users
> > with ati and intel GPU's had no problem. But two persons with an nvidia
> > card had the wrong display.
> You could try asking them to run the application with the
> "-graphicssystem raster" option, or update the shell script to use that
> option, and see if the problem goes away. It's only a workaround, but it
> could be useful to have that until you figure what's causing the problem.
> David
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