
I'm trying to write a cross-platform app with drag and drop. On the mac side, 
I'm trying to catch dropped objects with custom UTIs which don't map to MIME 
types. The docs say this conversion is handled by QMacPasteboardMime, and that 
by subclassing it I can write my own conversion routines. There's an example 
for doing this in C++ here: 
 . This class doesn't seem to appear in PyQt, however (I'm using 4.8.6 on a mac 
with python 2.7), e.g. if I do "from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui" then I can't 
use either QtCore.QMacPasteboardMime or QtGui.QMacPasteboardMime. The only 
documentation I can find for the class is in the PyQt 4.7 docs; in the current 
docs the link is dead 

Is there some way to access this class? 



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