On Mon, 19 Dec 2011 11:47:47 +0000 (GMT), John J Lee <j...@pobox.com>
> Hi
> I'm working with some old code that is currently used with an old
> of PyQt.  While we're likely to switch to a newer version of PyQt, it's 
> certainly useful to be able to download old versions of PyQt, either via

> archived source releases or version control.  My immediate reason for 
> wanting the old source is to get hold of some old PyQt example code. 
> It's likely straightforward to translate the Qt example code to Python
> backport from a newer PyQt release, but it's very tedious!  I wasn't
> to find old source, nor version control for PyQt.  Is that because
> not available?  If so, are there any plans to make them available in 
> future?

Yes there are plans, but nothing in the short term. If you know which
examples and which PyQt version I can send you a copy.

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