Thanks for you responses,...
lol,.yes, I am aware that Maya requires a certain version combination...
My apologies for not being clearer...I was thinking of version relationsship
between Qt and PtQt.
> In practise, you determine the lowest Qt version that you need to support
yes,...this is precisely why I was wondering if there was a version table,etc..
Putting Maya aside for a moment, and speaking only in terms of Qt and Py terms..
Phil, seem to suggest that for OSX Lion, I can grab the latest version of
(or the version that Lion needs) and then grab the latest version of sip/PyQt ?
(in a Python 2.6 world)
Thank you guys very much for responding,
From: Hans-Peter Jansen <>
To: James Polk <>
Sent: Friday, December 2, 2011 12:40 AM
Subject: Re: [PyQt] Version matching: Qt and PyQt
Am Friday 02 December 2011 03:13:52 schrieb James Polk:
> Is there a online guide anywhere to match a version of Qt with it's
> corresponding
> version of PyQt ?
> For example,...on Windows, in order to work with Maya2011, I had to install
> Qt 4.5.3 and use PyQt 4.7.3 (and sip too)
This is a constraint induced by Maya then.
> Is there a lookup table somewhere where these versions are matched up?
> Not only Windows, but OSX, and Linux too..?
> My current dilemma is finding the right version combo for OSX Lion (10.7.2
> 64bit)
Well, in theory, all versions of PyQt4 should work with all versions of Qt4.
If you depend on a Qt feature that appeared in a certain version, this feature
is available only, if PyQt4 is adapted to that feature and is compiled
against a Qt version containing that feature. This is possible due to sips
timeline feature and a complex version dependency scheme.
In practise, you determine the lowest Qt version that you need to support, and
build the newest sip/PyQt4 against it. Keep in mind, that sip/PyQt4 depends
on the particular Python revision, it is build with. I cannot say anything
about Mayas PyQt bindings, though.
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