
I'm working on PyInstaller (www.pyinstaller.org) and recently for Mac
platform we switched from using LD_LIBRARY_PATH to use

However, the side effect is that frozen PyQt app won't run if macports
is installed.

If I don't use code   'from PyQt4 import Qt'  everything seems ok.

But when I freeze a PyQt app with that line I get the wollowing error:

objc[16341]: Class QCocoaColorPanelDelegate is implemented in
both /private/tmp/test_pyqt4.app/Contents/MacOS/libQtGui.4.dylib
and /opt/local/lib/libQtGui.4.dylib. One of the two will be used. Which
one is undefined. 

Full output:

Is there anything I could do to fix it so apps created with pyinstaller
would work?

Thanks in advance.

Martin Z.

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