On 07/09/2011 10:07 م, Knacktus wrote:
07.09.2011 15:20, schrieb ad...@mbnoimi.net:
On 07/09/2011 03:18 م, 机械唯物主义 :
linjunhalida wrote:
I use emacs... you can try wing
Actually I found eclipse better than wing but both of them
don't have
PyQt integration just like eric.
They both have PyQt integration. See e.g.
See what wing says:
Wing IDE doesn't currently include a GUI builder for PyQt but
it can be used
with an external GUI builder. Wing will automatically reload
files that are
written by the GUI builder, making for a fairly seamless
it hasn't eric's PyQt integration at all.
Best Regards
Muhammad Bashir Al-Noimi
My Blog: http://mbnoimi.net
PyQt mailing list PyQt@riverbankcomputing.com