It seems strange to me though, that something like this even can be an
issue, in the sense that it haven't been fixed ages ago. But maybe it
isn't as trivial as it looks?
On 08/22/2011 12:39 PM, Jeremy Sanders wrote:
Mads Ipsen wrote:
I've attached a small example, displaying two widgets which both include
a QLabel: one with wordwrap on, and one without. Try to resize the two
widgets and see if you can reproduce the behavior.
This must be a bug, right?
This is a fairly well known Qt bug but I can't find the proper reference.
Here is some discussion for instance
If you go to the Qt bug tracker and search for QLabel wordwrap and layout
you find a whole pile of issues like this.
| Mads Ipsen |
| Florsgade 7, 4. th | |
| DK-2200 København N | phone: +45-29716388 |
| Denmark | email: |
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