
I downloaded the latest snapshot and replaced the UIC directory - and looking 
at the code, all the attributes now seem to be there.

I would like to say that this was an amazingly fast response. Thanks!!

Regards, P

P.S. If I was going to be picky, I would suggest that the Kerning and 
StyleStrategy should be after the rest of the font attributes so that the order 
of the code matches the UI in the QT Designer. But given the amazingly fast 
response, that would be churlish!!

-----Original Message-----
From: Phil Thompson [] 
Sent: 28 July 2011 6:46pm
To: Protopia
Subject: Re: [PyQt] QTableWidget - pyuic does not compile several attributes

On Thu, 28 Jul 2011 01:58:38 +0100, "Protopia" <>
> I am not sure whether anyone has found this problem before, however I
> can't find it in the archives on Gmane.
> I first came across this problem when I designed a table in QT Designer,
> and set fonts on certain cells. But when I ran the code, no formatting.
> Looking at the code generated by pyuic I could not see the code I would
> expect to set the fonts.
> So, I generated a test UI file in Designer with all properties on the
> table widget, the vertical and horizontal titles and cells themselves
> (attached)
> And then I ran the compiler and looked at the code (attached) and found
> the following things missing:
> QTableWidget:
> 1.     .font.Kerning not compiled.


> 2.     .font.Antialiasing not compiled


> 3.     .QTableView.sortingEnabled is placed in reTranslateUI - however
> this does not seem to be concerned with internationalisation and I feel
> should be in the main code (though I could easily be wrong here)

This is a side effect of the way i18n support is implemented.
> 4.     .QTableWidget.rowCount & .columnCount - if these are specified
> explicitly in QT Designer then they appear twice in the .py file. (Of
> course this won't cause major problems, but is nevertheless
> inappropriate.)


> QTableWidgetItem
> 1.     Horizontal and Vertical header tooltips, whatsthis, fonts,
> textalign, background and foreground are not compiled at all.


> 2.     Cell tooltips, whatsthis, fonts and textalign are not compiled at
> all.


> 3.     Cell background and foreground are compiled, however sequence of
> statements is wrong - sets brush twice, then assigns second definition
> to both background and foreground.


> Whilst we are looking at this code, it would also be helpful if we were
> to leave a blank line between code for QTableWidget, Horizontal Headers,
> Vertical Headers and Cells.
> Note: I am using python2.7.2 32-bit, and PyQt4.8.4-1 binary
> PyQt-Py2.7-x86-gpl-4.8.4-1.exe.
> P.S. I am trying to look at the and part of
> the Pyqt4 uic compiler to see if I can work out how to fix this - but as
> yet I have failed to understand the code well enough to work it out.
> Rgds, P

I think QListWidgetItem and QTreeWidgetItem will have similar problems but
I'll look at those tomorrow.


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