Hi Istvan,

I have not yet come across a better way to do this (perhaps someone has a
clever way to approach this), but I do think that adding a range of states
to the create function is reasonable. The other idea that came to mind was
to do a full copy with `create` and just delete states, but it seems
deleting states is not yet implemented (although I have seen a few requests
for this before). I'll see if I can address this for PyMOL 3.1. The
Timeline programs select a range to view in the movie, but doesn't actually
alter the structure data.

Jarrett J.

On Fri, Jul 19, 2024 at 6:46 PM Istvan Kolossvary <ikolos...@gmail.com>

> Hi,
> It seems that the Create command can only copy either a single state or
> all states but no ranges. The range option would be very useful in
> stitching together a trajectory from parts of other trajectories. This
> functionality is readily available in the Timeline, but AFAIK not available
> in Create. Right now the only solution seems to use a hugely inefficient
> loop copying a whole range state by state. Does anyone know a better
> solution?
> Thanks,
>    Istvan
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