Hi Christoph,

Thanks for trying out the new Timeline panel. I received reports this issue
but forgot to track and add for yesterday's patch; I'll make sure that the
PNG frame export is consistent with the timeline for the next patch release.

As for the 30 global frames vs 60 composition frames you see, this is
another difference from PyMOL2's movie maker, which perhaps could be made a
little bit more clear in the documentation. In the previous movie maker
version, the number of frames exported from a movie was intimately tied to
molecular state whereas in PyMOL 3, each composition's length is set
independent of multistate objects. The composition FPS is currently locked
at 60fps for now, but this will eventually be customizable per composition

Jarrett J.

On Thu, May 2, 2024 at 1:13 PM Christoph Parthier via PyMOL-users <
pymol-users@lists.sourceforge.net> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm currently trying out the improved movie functions of PyMOL 3.03
> (timeline, scenes) which I think are a great improvement.  However, I
> noticed when I want to write out a composition as single frames (PNG) using
> the 'Export movie' function only one frame gets written (the first one).
> When exporting as MPEG1 movie the composition is exported normally (all
> frames). I also noticed creating a composition does not trigger the display
> of the 'global frames panel', while in PyMOL 2.x adding a movie program
> (e.g. scene loop) would display (and update) the number of frames the movie
> contains.
> In contrast, creating a morph (e.g. over 30 states) will trigger the
> 'global frames' panel showing 30 frames. When creating a 'state sweep'
> movie from the morph using the movie commands the corresponding 60 frames
> are shown (and played) in the timeline, but the 'global frames' panel still
> shows only 30 frames. Also exporting the frames as PNGs will only export
> the first 30 frames representing the different states, while the
> MPEG1-export function will export the full state sweep movie.
> I tried this with PyMOL 3.03 running under Linux and also Windows 10. The
> observed behavior is the same.
> Is there anything that's wrong in my approach?
> Christoph
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