Hi, Jarrett This is more than helpful! I just need to fix my own mistake in the selection
cmd.select(base_interface, "byres((not (/base//H+L) & base) within 10 of /base//H+L)") Maybe one more question: Selection: “not (/base//H+L)” returns all residues in pred, as well as the P chain of base. I understand this. However, why “not /base//H+L” returns an empty selection? Thanks! From: Jarrett Johnson <jarrett.john...@schrodinger.com> Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2023 6:31 AM To: Zhou, Yingyao <yingyao.z...@novartis.com> Cc: pymol-users@lists.sourceforge.net Subject: Re: [PyMOL] Help with selecting interface residues between two structures This Message is from an External Sender. Do not click links or open attachments unless you trust the sender. Hi, There might be a cleaner way to do this, but I propose creating a mapping of your chains from base to pred and use the `iterate` command to get the relevant identifiers and map them back to the prediction. Here is a full script that pulls from the PDB that attempts this idea. from pymol import cmd # our reference cmd.fetch('3hfm', 'base') # dummy prediction cmd.copy('pred', 'base') # Heavy & Light chains in 3hfm are named L and H # Antigen is Y so lets rename to A to simulate your case cmd.alter('base & chain Y', 'chain="A"') # change chain to emulate same residues different chain names cmd.alter('pred & chain L', 'chain="A"') cmd.alter('pred & chain H', 'chain="B"') cmd.alter('pred & chain Y', 'chain="C"') base_interface = 'int_base' cmd.select(base_interface, 'byres(base & (/base//H+L around 5))') # After preparation: # create a mapping of chains from base to pred base_to_pred_chains = {'L': 'A', 'H': 'B', 'A': 'C'} # Create a list of identifiers in the interface from the selection myspace = {'int_set': set()} cmd.iterate(base_interface, 'int_set.add((chain, resi, resn))', space=myspace) # Map them to a new selection onto the prediction pred_interface = 'int_pred' cmd.select(pred_interface, 'none') for chain, resi, resn in myspace['int_set']: new_chain = base_to_pred_chains[chain] # Add each pred residue to the selection cmd.select(pred_interface, f'pred & chain {new_chain} & resi {resi} & resn {resn}', merge=1) Hope that helps, Jarrett J On Thu, Jun 29, 2023 at 12:59 AM Zhou, Yingyao via PyMOL-users <pymol-users@lists.sourceforge.net<mailto:pymol-users@lists.sourceforge.net>> wrote: I am a relatively new PyMOL user and would like to get some helps from the community. I have two structures for the same antibody-antigen complex (with three chains: light chain L, heavy chain H, and an antigen chain A) . Structure “base” is the experimental true structure, structure “pred” is the predicted structure. My goal is to determine how close the predicted interface is w.r.t. the experimental truth. I first select the interface residues as defined by “base” load base.pdb load pred.pdb select int_base, byres(base & (/base//H+L around 5)) How do I select the same corresponding residues in object “pred”? In addition, what if in the pred structure, chains are named A, B, and C, corresponding to base structure L, H, A, respectively, how will I handle that? (I was planning to rename the chains, if there is no nice trick to transfer the selections from base to pred) Thanks! _______________________________________________ PyMOL-users mailing list Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/pymol-users@lists.sourceforge.net<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/www.mail-archive.com/pymol-users@lists.sourceforge.net__;!!N3hqHg43uw!uwuPjMkMmShRv1H1Jo8JrmQlENOxFP1gKBxnxcRRsC88x9H66HcFQraBUdeu6fLNY9VT93bLYvg85UTGJumvXasRnMHv7MUuixo$> Unsubscribe: https://sourceforge.net/projects/pymol/lists/pymol-users/unsubscribe<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/sourceforge.net/projects/pymol/lists/pymol-users/unsubscribe__;!!N3hqHg43uw!uwuPjMkMmShRv1H1Jo8JrmQlENOxFP1gKBxnxcRRsC88x9H66HcFQraBUdeu6fLNY9VT93bLYvg85UTGJumvXasRnMHvo8xE8pg$> -- Jarrett Johnson | Senior Developer, PyMOL [https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1zOlB9fluGZyuInRUQgKsdjtjpR5L9z6R&export=download]
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