Hi Justine,

Have you tried with the official schrodinger::pymol package? If the user who 
wants to use your plugin has a PyMOL license, that should be the best option 
for him.

conda create -n pymol -c conda-forge python=3.7 rdkit=2020.03.3.0 matplotlib 
seaborn pip numpy schrodinger::pymol schrodinger::tk scikit-learn git

You can also test this without a license, PyMOL will run in evaluation mode but 
your plugin should be fully functional.


> On Jan 27, 2021, at 1:46 AM, Justine Williams <justine.willi...@uwaterloo.ca> 
> wrote:
> Dear users,
> Could someone please help me with installing open source pymol on MacOS? I 
> created a plugin, but to allow it to be more easily available to users with 
> different OS, I need to include installation instructions for installing open 
> source pymol on each. I prepared some installation instructions for creating 
> a conda environment that works with Windows and Linux, but am having some 
> issues getting the installation to work consistently for the MacOS case. As a 
> note, I am not a Mac user myself, and have been trying to troubleshoot 
> remotely with the help of colleagues who own Macs.
> I need to have the rdkit package usable to pymol, which is why I was creating 
> the conda environment. The general conda steps that worked for Windows/Linux 
> were to install and activate Anaconda3 
> (https://docs.anaconda.com/anaconda/install/mac-os/). Next, to open a 
> terminal in the Anaconda3 directory named "envs." Then to use the following 
> command to create an environment named pymol with the packages necessary:
> conda create -n pymol python=3.7 rdkit=2020.03.3.0 matplotlib seaborn pip 
> numpy conda-forge::pmw tpeulen::pymol-open-source scikit-learn git
> Finally, to activate the environment:
> conda activate pymol                     
> The error that is generated for this approach is “ImportError: 
> dlopen(/Users/FarFar/anaconda3/envs/pymol/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pymol/_cmd.cpython-37m-darwin.so,
>  2): Symbol not found: _glAccum”
> I would really appreciate any assistance with installation for Mac cases, or 
> if anyone knows of known issues with this. As of now, it seems like using 
> homebrew to install open source pymol and rdkit might be the best approach to 
> take, but I have not been able to get that working. If there are other 
> strategies for installing open source pymol and rdkit I would really 
> appreciate the help.
> Thank you,
> Justine                                                                       
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Thomas Holder
PyMOL Principal Developer
Schrödinger, Inc.

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