Hi Jeff, I would se the pdb file 1nmr as a template to reformat your file accordingly: fetch 1nmr, type=pdb. Open it with a text editor You will see the that END is used only once, at the every bottom of the file after the last model. This is why you are not seeing multiple models with all_states.
You need to end the protein model with TER and then ENDMDL and start the ligand with 'MODEL 2' TER 1291 VAL A 85 ENDMDL MODEL 2 Best regards, Blaine Blaine Mooers, Ph.D. Associate Professor Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology College of Medicine University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center S.L. Young Biomedical Research Center (BRC) Rm. 466 975 NE 10th Street, BRC 466 Oklahoma City, OK 73104-5419 ________________________________________ From: Jeff Saxon [jmsstarli...@gmail.com] Sent: Thursday, October 15, 2020 2:34 AM To: pymol-users Subject: [EXTERNAL] [PyMOL] Protein-ligand multi-model pdb extracted from docking Hello there. I am dealing with the extraction of ligand coordinates (in PDB) from the typical autodock output file (DLG). Using simple shell routine I can do it in just few steps: # convert DLG to PDBQT grep '^DOCKED' test.dlg | cut -c9- > ${output}/test.pdbqt # convert PDBQT to PDB cut -c-66 ${output}/test.pdbqt > ${output}/test.pdb # take pdb of the receptor protein (used for this docking!) and add it to the ligand ensemble cat receptor.pdb ${output}/test.pdb | grep -v '^END ' | grep -v '^END$' > ${output}/complex_test.pdb The problem of this routine is in the last step when I add the receptor pdb to the ligand ensemble - it actually creates multi-model pdb (nmr like format) where the receptor is present only in the first model (and the ligands in the rest). So I can not examine in PyMol protein-ligand interactions (only even if I use split_states to separate all models). Could someone suggest a modification of my shell routine capable of adding a receptor.pdb to each of the ligand models (thus obtaining complex in proper multi-model format similar to NMR structure or molecular dynamics trajectory)? Thanks!! J. _______________________________________________ PyMOL-users mailing list Archives: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.mail-2Darchive.com_pymol-2Dusers-40lists.sourceforge.net&d=DwICAg&c=VjzId-SM5S6aVB_cCGQ0d3uo9UfKByQ3sI6Audoy6dY&r=k0gMbcsdOcdbPUNV5tW66KQSZfXL0ewVDPVBp7tqbks&m=xCGrlhjwjhsbR-Y2YVa0DFXKZvcilxJrcaqrg65I7VA&s=DY9b89ABzFLCckLkueYmyFS4qox8Us86lsJvBSl5brY&e= Unsubscribe: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__sourceforge.net_projects_pymol_lists_pymol-2Dusers_unsubscribe&d=DwICAg&c=VjzId-SM5S6aVB_cCGQ0d3uo9UfKByQ3sI6Audoy6dY&r=k0gMbcsdOcdbPUNV5tW66KQSZfXL0ewVDPVBp7tqbks&m=xCGrlhjwjhsbR-Y2YVa0DFXKZvcilxJrcaqrg65I7VA&s=BiQJgzsCAIbfbXofwH-1shmIvOUGyci3RDe8dVR6V0I&e= _______________________________________________ PyMOL-users mailing list Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/pymol-users@lists.sourceforge.net Unsubscribe: https://sourceforge.net/projects/pymol/lists/pymol-users/unsubscribe