When you look at the coordinate file for 3jav in a text editor, you'll see that 
for the parts of the structure which give you a "AssignSS-Warning: Ignoring 
incomplete residue" feedback, the coordinate file contains C-Alpha coordinates 
only, while in the parts which render the secondary structure properly, you 
have coordinates for all heavy atoms. The header contains secondary structure 
information only for those residues where full coordinates are available, and 
the dss command is unable to assign secondary structure from C-Alpha only.

If you really want to obtain a cartoon representation for the whole molecule, 
you either have to use a method to determine the secondary structure from 
C-alpha atoms only, and assign the secondary structure to the molecule using 
the "alter" command (laborious), or submit your coordinates to a server capable 
of modelling a full atom structure from the Alpha trace (e.g. SABBAC 1.3, 
caution: you need to submit each chain separately, since the server cannot deal 
with multi-chain models.


Today's Topics:

   1. incomplete secondary structure (h. adam steinberg)


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 15 Apr 2020 10:51:07 -0500
From: "h. adam steinberg" <h.adam.steinb...@gmail.com>
To: pymol-users <pymol-users@lists.sourceforge.net>
Subject: [PyMOL] incomplete secondary structure
Message-ID: <8b4fde28-444e-4f86-be2a-e2982eae4...@gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Hi all,

When I open 3jav the backbone shows many helices, but Pymol doesn?t draw them 
as helices when showing the cartoon. Clearly there is something that is not 
perfect with the deposited cyro structure.

If I run the dss command, the cartoon structure isn?t fixed, and I get repeats 
of the following error for each residue from 1-2750 for each chain: 
 AssignSS-Warning: Ignoring incomplete residue /3jav//D/2750  ?

Does anyone know how I can fix the secondary structure without having to 
manually assign it to each helix?


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