Thank you Blaine!

Now I know why, and how to manually fix this.

> On Mar 20, 2020, at 10:52 PM, Mooers, Blaine H.M. (HSC) 
> <> wrote:
> The O3' to P bond lengths are 2.2 Angstroms when they should 1.6 Angstroms.
> This is outside the bond length range that PyMOL accepts so the bond is 
> absent when you display the model as line or stick model.
> This is why the cartoon is missing or broken.
> 5FUR is a 8.5 Angstrom cryo EM structure.
> Perhaps the associated paper explains this discrepancy. 
> Best regards,
> Blaine
> Blaine Mooers, Ph.D.
> Associate Professor
> Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
> College of Medicine
> University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
> S.L. Young Biomedical Research Center (BRC) Rm. 466
> 975 NE 10th Street, BRC 466
> Oklahoma City, OK 73104-5419
> ________________________________________
> From: h. adam steinberg []
> Sent: Friday, March 20, 2020 8:57 PM
> To: pymol-users
> Subject: [EXTERNAL] [PyMOL] broken DNA cartoon
> Hi All,
> When I open 5FUR either from my drive or via fetch, the DNA cartoon is broken 
> and mostly missing (it should span from left to right). Any ideas on how to 
> get the cartoon to work?
> Pymol version 2.3.4

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