
Can I ask which version of PyMOL you're using? I don't see anything wrong
on my end.

On Tue, Jan 21, 2020 at 9:48 PM Ofir Shein Lumbroso <ofir.sh...@gmail.com>

> Hi all,
> I'm a new user of PyMOL and I'm trying to export a PDB file from a PyMOL
> session and It seems to have some errors. I'm using the default settings
> and I'm getting some dots and question marks in the exported PDB file, can
> you please help?
> I attached a corrupted PDB file for example.
> Thanks!
> Ofir
> --
> *Ofir Shein-Lumbroso*
> *m:* +61 406 276 801  |  *e: *ofir.sh...@gmail.com
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