
I built Pymol from the open source under mingw64 on W10(64 bit) and also have another variant from Christoph Gohlke's site here:

When run in cmd.exe and access to the mingw64 directories is allowed mine starts right up in qt mode and looks just like CG's version. If access to mingw64 is blocked by renaming the top directory for that then mine does not start. Apparently qt has hard coded paths. The directory structure under the mingw64 directory for Qt parts is:

     (and many other directories not shown)

My mingw64 build reproduced the pieces shown above in the same organization, with also


but it would not start when access the mingw64 directory structure was blocked. By copying the "platforms" directory into "bin" mine would start without access to the mingw64 directories, but there were subtle differences in the interface. Examples:

1. icon in upper left corner: CG small image of molecule, Mine small window icon.
2. Menu names: CG black on white, Mine black on gray
3. top pane border: CG single blue line, mine narrow grey bar with thin black line on outside and thicker black line on inside etc.

As far as I can tell the program works OK otherwise (other than that that APBS plugin won't load, which is discussed in other threads on this list). There were no warnings.

My assumption is that Qt is not finding configuration, plugins, etc. it needs to start.

The organization in CG's is quite different, with the plugins, qml, translations and a bin directory under: Python37/lib/site-packages/PyQt5/Qt. When my "share/PyQt5/Qt" is moved to "./lib/Python3.8/site-packages/PyQt5/Qt" then mine starts up even without access to
mingw64 and looks again like CG's.

This is what I want to understand:

1. Why would the Qt directory tree from mingw64 work under site-packages/PyQt5 when it does not work under its original (relative) position? (I read a lot about qt.conf and did not find anything describing this.)

2. Is there some way to get qt5 to log "could not find whatever" messages? When it was running not quite right with just a "platform" directory under ./bin it was clearly not finding things, but it wasn't giving any indications that there was a problem.

(Note, be sure to remove the _many_ *d.dll libraries, these debug libraries are huge and not needed for normal use of the program.)


David Mathog
Manager, Sequence Analysis Facility, Biology Division, Caltech

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