From time to time I have been building pymol-open-source in one of two
WA: Windows 7 32 bit, mingw32
WB: Windows 10 64 bit, mingw64
Christoph Gohlke does the same (and much more) using Visual Studio. So
two more environments:
WC: Windows 32 bit, Visual Studio
WD: Windows 64 bit, Visual studio
In previous versions I have never managed to make Qt work in WA, WB (it
always fell back to tkinter because the qt5 import would fail), but Qt
works in WC, WD. Going forward I hope to figure out where the Qt
problem is in WA,WB.
In any case, for mine and his have exactly the same two bugs in
tkinter mode in these environments. I could not test this in a licensed
version in these environments, perhaps somebody as Schrodinger will do
The issues are:
WA-BUG/WC-BUG: Mouse scroll button often does not work. (Also present
at 2.3.0). To demonstrate in either version do something like this:
cd C:\progs\Python37\Lib\site-packages\pymol
c:\progs\Python37\python.exe -w pmg_tk
#two separate windows will appear, as is normal
# for tkinter versions.
#Load a molecule (I have been using 1du0.cif)
#rotate the mouse scroll wheel - nothing happens
#hold CONTROL and rotate the mouse scroll wheel -
# nothing happens
#click several times on "3-button editing"/"3-button viewing",
# after a while the scroll wheel will start to work.
#change focus to some other program's window by clicking on its frame
#change focus back to lower Pymol window by clicking on its frame.
#Scrolling will (usually) be broken again, repair as before.
WB-BUG/WD-BUG: Tkinter larger window is blank. To demonstrate start
either version in pmg_tk mode, as for WA-BUG above. Two windows will
appear but the larger one (where the molecule should appear once loaded)
is solid black. The upper window appears to be working normally. There
are no warning or error messages at launch and the program is still
responsive in the upper window. File->open->1duo.cif seems to complete,
as the program does not hang, and there are no warnings or errors, but
the lower window is still solid black. To be more specific, the window
frame appears to be normal, with a "Pymol Viewer - [] X" header and a
1 pixel border on the sides and bottom, but the interior is always just
black. This bug was NOT present in 2.3.0.
The mingw32/64 build install instructions are way too long to post here.
This is how I installed C. Gohlke's version (WD):
1. Download and install Pymol 3.7.5 from
Install into
then delete the installer.
2. From C. Gohlke's site
download into C:\temp\gohlke_pieces:
3. CMD window, do:
cd .. #to top
cd progs
cd Python37
cd Scripts
pip3 install pyQt5
cd C:\temp\gohlke_pieces
C:\progs\Python37\python.exe pip-19.3.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl/pip install
--no-index --find-links="%CD%" pymol_launcher
David Mathog
Manager, Sequence Analysis Facility, Biology Division, Caltech
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