Edit: remove the cmd. part when running select_with_filter. (Since it's a
custom command, it doesn't belong to the cmd module.)

On Fri, Aug 2, 2019 at 2:41 PM Christian "Cole" French <
christian.fre...@schrodinger.com> wrote:

> Hi Pedro Lacerda,
> Here is a link to a script I wrote which adds a command which does what
> you ask:
> https://gist.github.com/ColeFrench/6f68fa5f04a67bb6234f10c25debb865. To
> use it, download the file to the directory where you run PyMOL from, then
> open PyMOL and run run select_with_filter.py.
> For your examples, the commands would be 
> cmd.select_with_filter(predicate=lambda
> s: len(cmd.get_chains(s)) < 2) and cmd.select_with_filter(predicate=lambda
> s: cmd.get_fastastr(s) < 2).
> Commands which can be simply run are a convenience which allows you to
> type less (e.g., select chain A instead of cmd.select('chain A')). Some
> commands require different arguments and can only be run the longer way,
> such as the one I wrote which takes a function as an argument.
> Hope this helps,
> Cole
> On Fri, Aug 2, 2019 at 11:45 AM Pedro Lacerda <pslace...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi PyMOL users,
>> It there any way to enhance the selecion algebra with functions? For
>> instance:
>> select len(get_chains(*)) < 2
>> Or even:
>> select cmd.get_fastastr(*) < 2
>> By the way, why some commands we can simply run (like get_chains) and
>> others are different (like cmd.get_fastastr())?
>> --
>> Pedro Sousa Lacerda
>> *Laboratório de Bioinformática e Modelagem Molecular*
>> *Faculdade de Farmácia / UFBA*
>> *@pslacerda*
>> *+55 71 9 9981-1856*
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