I'm trying to get multiple measures of angles and distances between some
residues for 232 states of the same molecule in PyMOL . I'm using this
command for that:
var1=cmd.get_angle('39/NE2', '144/SG', '221/C', 1)
var2=cmd.get_angle('39/NE2', '144/SG', '221/C', 2)
That creates a file called NE_S_C.txt with all my angles in one column.
This means that in order to get the another measures, I repeat the process
over again changing the angle command by the atoms I want. I'd like to do
the another measures in the same script but I don't know how to print them
in the same file separated by columns. I imagine it has something to do
with the "f.write" part, but I just can't figure it out yet.
I'd be glad if anyone could give me a help.
Thank you.
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