You can change the color of the tube backbone with "set 
cartoon_nucleic_acid_color, blue”.
But it’s my understanding that the color of the backbone is always set to only 
one color. You cannot make part of it one color and part of it another color. 
If you try you’ll get the following warning:  'cartoon_nucleic_acid_color' is a 
object-state-level setting…

You can make two object from the one DNA structure and then color one blue and 
they other tan… BUT!!! the tube will no longer connect between the two objects 
(the tube will be broken between the blue and the tan).

There may be other ways around this but I find the simplest way is to just 
render one scene as blue and another scene as tan, then take both into 
Photoshop as separate layers and delete the part in the top layer you don’t 
want so the other color shows through from the bottom layer. It’s fast and easy.

> On Sep 5, 2016, at 9:58 PM, David Langley <> wrote:
> Dear all,
> I’m having an issue presenting some DNA structures. Having displayed the 
> structure as a cartoon (tube backbone), i’m hoping to change the colour of 
> part of the tube (similar to the image attached (from Choi et al (2013) 
> Photochem Photobiol 513-22, PDB 1EL2).  
> When I select residues (displayed as sticks) and change the color, the colour 
> of the sticks changes but the tube backbone remains unchanged.  How do i get 
> round this?
> Many thanks,
> David
> <PDB-1el2.png>
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