I’m sorry, I thought she was trying to use two different cartoon modes and two 
different colors.

> On Aug 2, 2016, at 12:07 PM, Thomas Holder <thomas.hol...@schrodinger.com> 
> wrote:
> Hi Maria and Adam,
> I think it's not that complicated. You need "cartoon_ring_mode" for the 
> residue selection. Example:
> fetch 1rna, async=0
> as cartoon
> select firstres, chain A & resi 1
> set cartoon_ring_finder, 2
> set cartoon_ring_mode, 2, firstres
> color blue
> color red, firstres extend 1
> Hope that helps.
> Cheers,
>  Thomas
> On 02 Aug 2016, at 12:42, harold steinberg <h.adam.steinb...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I believe that you can only apply the cartoon setting to an entire obj 
>> (object). And so you are correct in trying to duplicate the nucleotide so 
>> you can apply one setting to it, while allowing the other setting to display 
>> the rest of them. But that doesn’t work either since the program will only 
>> allow one display type at a time. There may be a complex way to override it 
>> but I do not know it.
>> The way I have gotten around this in the past is to set up the entire object 
>> the way you want it, then render it once with each setting.
>> Then open both of the resulting images in photoshop or similar program. Put 
>> them both into one file as layers.
>> Then delete most of one of the files (say the top one) so only the single 
>> nucleotide is left in the cartoon setting that you want in that layer. The 
>> rest of the image will appear from the bottom layer.
>> Then you can flatten the image and save it. It’s fast and works great.
>>> On Aug 2, 2016, at 9:41 AM, COSTA Maria <maria.co...@i2bc.paris-saclay.fr> 
>>> wrote:
>>> Dear pymol-users,
>>> I’m still learning how to use pymol to do basic things.
>>> At present, I’m working with a nucleic acid molecule that is colored by 
>>> sequence domains (each domain is a different objet). All the domains are 
>>> displayed in the cartoon mode, with backbone as dumbbell and 
>>> cartoon_ring_finder,0  (no nucleobases or riboses displayed). Now, I would 
>>> like to display only the first residue of one of the domains as 
>>> cartoon_ring_finder,2 (ring only for nucleobases) and then color it  
>>> entirely (dumbbell + ribose stick + base ring) with a different color from 
>>> the rest of the domain sequence.  The problem is that it does not work ! 
>>> I tried to copy that nucleotide into a new objet to manipulate it 
>>> independently but all the arguments I write in the command line do not 
>>> apply to it, nothing is changing on the screen. The only thing that works 
>>> is the menu on the right, use the objet line corresponding to this residue, 
>>> display it entirely as sticks and then change the color of the sticks. But 
>>> that’s not what I need!
>>> Do you have any ideas how to display the desired nucleotide?
>>> Many thanks in advance,
>>> Maria
>> H. Adam Steinberg
>> 7904 Bowman Rd
>> Lodi, WI 53555
>> 608/592-2366
> -- 
> Thomas Holder
> PyMOL Principal Developer
> Schrödinger, Inc.

H. Adam Steinberg
7904 Bowman Rd
Lodi, WI 53555

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