
I'm using pymol 1.7 on OS X 10.11.5.
XQuartz version: 2.7.9
python version: 2.7.12

When I launch the ABPS Tools 2.1, I get these errors:

Could not find default location for file: psize.py
Could not find default location for file: apbs.exe
Could not find default location for file: apbs-mpi.exe
Could not find default location for file: apbs-mpi-openmpi.exe
Could not find default location for file: apbs-mpi-lammpi.exe
Could not find default location for file: pdb2pqr.py

I run a "find / -name psize.py " command but it can not locate the file.

Can somebody please help me? Where can I get 'psize.py' and the APBS 
binary so I can
specify them in the APBS plugin under "Program locations"?

Many thanks

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