Hi All,
We "upgraded" our 3D viewing room with a computer that has a Quadro K2000 video
card running Windows 7. The computer displays through two NEC projectors with
polarizing filters that display agains a special screen. Stereo is viewed
through polarized glasses just like in the movie theater. We had the stereo
working a couple years ago, but it stopped with the upgrade. Here is my
Are there any special Quadro settings I need to set to have the video card play
nice with PyMOL?
Which stereo_mode do I set for this type of setup? I ran through all the
options (1 - 12), but none caused the appropriate stereo effect
Am I restricted to full screen mode or can I run stereo in windowed mode? We
only tried Windowed mode.
Does the stereo_mode change if I am using full screen mode versus window mode?
Any help or resources you can point me to would be greatly appreciated.
(Proper procedure for aligning the projectors would be greatly appreciated.
They are fairly well aligned centrally, but become blurry from misalignment at
the edges.)
Your help is greatly appreciated.
Christopher L. Colbert, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
North Dakota State University
P.O. Box 6050 Dept. 2710
Fargo, ND 58108-6050
PH: (701) 231-7946
FAX: (701) 231-8324
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