Hi Tubiana,
When I click the site
http://www.binarytides.com/install-nvidia-drivers-ubuntu-14-04/), I got the
following line.
Sorry, but you are looking for something that isn't here.
Could you please tell more explicitly what exactly I need to do to fix
this? I mean the exact command in a console to update the driver.
Thank you in advance,
On Wed, Feb 10, 2016 at 2:43 AM, TUBIANA Thibault CNRS <
thibault.tubi...@cea.fr> wrote:
> Hi Hena,
> I had the same problem once and I fixed it when I installed the Nvidia
> Driver (see how here
> http://www.binarytides.com/install-nvidia-drivers-ubuntu-14-04/)
> "Graphics Gallium 0.4" appear when you have the default driver. With an
> Nvidia Quadro 600 it should be something like
> *Detected OpenGL version 2.0 or greater. Shaders available.*
> *Detected GLSL version 4.50.*
> *OpenGL graphics engine:*
> * GL_VENDOR: NVIDIA Corporation*
> * GL_RENDERER: Quadro K2200/PCIe/SSE2*
> * GL_VERSION: 4.5.0 NVIDIA 352.39*
> *Adapting to Quadro hardware.*
> *Detected 24 CPU cores. Enabled multithreaded rendering.*
> Kind regards,
> Thibault.
> On Tue, 2016-02-09 at 11:24 -0500, Hena Dutta wrote:
> Dear Pymol members,
> I have a hard time to use pymol-v1.7.4.0-Linux-x86_64 in ubuntu 14.04 LTS
> which I need to use very often. Although other graphics programs like COOT,
> CCP4MG are running just fine.
> After I load the pdb file, it just taking too much time for any operation
> like zoom in or out, rotating/translating molecule or even going through
> the menu when dragging the mouse. I have no clue.
> My computer specifications:
> Memory 5.8 GiB
> Processor Intel Xenon(R) CPU W3505 @ 2.53 GHz x 2
> Graphics Gallium 0.4 on NVC1 (Graphics card Quadro 600)
> OS type 64-bit
> DISK 978.0 GB
> Can anyone tell the fix for this problem asap.
> My best regards,
> Hena
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> --
> Tubiana Thibault
> PhD Student
> Institut de Biologie Intégrative de la Cellule
> CNRS UMR 9198
> CEA-Saclay, Bâtiment 532 - Pce 12A
> 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette
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