
Depending on what you want to do with the file, you may not need to save a new PDB at all.

You could for example,

 * Issue the command symexp xxxx,xxxx,(all),4.0 to generate nearby
   symmetry mates, then remove the objects you don't need to form the
   proper dimer. (xxxx is your PDB file object)
 * The select File...Save Molecule and select all the objects to save
   using shift-clicks. (but this may be unnecessary--see below)

When you do this both chains will have the same chain identifers (e.g. chain A) This could be clumsy later if you are doing further manipulations of the structure and you save the molecule as a single PDB with two identical chain identifiers. In this case, every selection you made would be a double selection (one in both chains.) You can change the chain identifier for the symmetry chain easily enough in a text editor, I suppose, but this is an extra step.

Alternatively, if you simply want to work with your new dimer structure in Pymol, there is no need to alter the chain numbers after doing the proper symmetry expansion. Rather, you can select individual items in one chain or the other by selecting the original or symmetry object. This might be useful, for example, if you want to highlight one active site and its interaction with the neighboring chain. I usually assign object names to the two monomers as "achain" and "bchain" to make manipulation of the structure easier. So, for example,

 * "Select asite, resi 42+44+98 and achain" might select active site
   residues from the original chain
 * "Select otherres, resi 33 and bchain" might select interactigin
   residues form your symmetry expanded chain.
 * No need to save the molecule as a separate PDB. Just save the
   session file.


Roger S. Rowlett
Gordon & Dorothy Kline Professor
Department of Chemistry
Colgate University
13 Oak Drive
Hamilton, NY 13346

tel: (315)-228-7245
ofc: (315)-228-7395
fax: (315)-228-7935

On 10/7/2015 11:00 AM, Clarisa Alvarez wrote:
Hello everyone:
I need help because I have a pdb of a monomer but I know that it is a dimer by crystallographic symmetry, how can I make a new molecule of it? because I could make it by generate/symmetry mate...but I could not save it...any help will be great!
Thanks in advance!


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