Jason -

I’d also like to express my appreciation for all you’ve done to benefit the 
PyMOL community.  You have, time and again, proven yourself to be an extremely 
responsive and helpful leader both in developing the software and in enabling 
others to learn to use it.  Like many on these lists, I’m sure, after hearing 
of Warren’s untimely passing 5 years ago, I was saddened of course, but also 
concerned about what would happen to PyMOL without him.  Fortunately, it 
couldn’t have landed in better hands.  I wish you all the best in your new 


Jared Sampson
Xiangpeng Kong Lab
NYU Langone Medical Center

On Apr 24, 2014, at 9:29 AM, Thomas Holder 
<thomas.hol...@schrodinger.com<mailto:thomas.hol...@schrodinger.com>> wrote:

Dear Jason,

thank you so much for you deep commitment and your invaluable contributions to 
PyMOL and the PyMOL community. You assumed responsibility for PyMOL and managed 
to give it a new home at Schrödinger. We are sorry to see you leave and will 
truly miss you here.

To me personally, you have been a great mentor and guide and I can hardly 
enumerate what I learned from you. I owe you deep gratitude.

It is my honour to now take the lead on PyMOL and serve the community and our 
sponsors as best as I can. The PyMOL team at Schrödinger is strongly dedicated 
to continuously improve PyMOL and keep the PyMOL spirit alive.


On 24 Apr 2014, at 05:00, Jason Vertrees 
<jason.vertr...@gmail.com<mailto:jason.vertr...@gmail.com>> wrote:

Greetings PyMOLers and CCP4ers worldwide,

It has been my great pleasure to serve the PyMOL community both in a volunteer 
and professional capacity for the past decade. I have recently been given an 
offer I can't refuse—to follow one of my dreams—helping lead technology and 
science at a new startup. March 30th marked my last day at Schrödinger and 
supporting PyMOL.

Because of my great fondness for PyMOL and its community, I will continue to 
operate the PyMOLWiki until I find it a suitable home. I started the PyMOLWiki 
in 2005 and since then it's been visited over 15,289,590 times! (If you would 
like to sponsor or host the wiki feel free to email me.) Now I can't imagine 
the PyMOL community without it.

Last, I am truly humbled to have followed in the footsteps of Warren DeLano. He 
was an amazing man whose ideas and actions have touched the lives of millions, 
whether they know it or not. He is missed.

It's been great fun. I wish you all the best.


-- Jason

Jason Vertrees, PhD
(e) jason.vertr...@gmail.com<mailto:jason.vertr...@gmail.com>
(o) +1 (603) 374-7120

Thomas Holder
PyMOL Developer
Schrödinger, Inc.

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