This worked--thanks. I have another ? that may have been addressed previously 
but do not know the answer.  Is there a way to do an alignment (or maybe 
docking is a better word) on two structures/selections and input a constraint 
for that alignment? For example, i am working on generating a model RE a dimer 
of two molecules, and I have some data suggesting a range of distances between 
certain residues of the selection. Is there a way to input that data into Pymol 
before it completes the alignment, or do I need to use other docking programs 
to do that? Hope that makes sense.  Thanks.
From: Lapolla, Suzanne M (HSC)
Sent: Friday, April 04, 2014 5:11 PM
To: Thomas Holder
Subject: RE: [PyMOL] manual superposition with pymol

Thank you! I will try this and get back to you.
From: Thomas Holder []
Sent: Friday, April 04, 2014 3:16 PM
To: Lapolla, Suzanne M (HSC)
Subject: Re: [PyMOL] manual superposition with pymol

Hi Suzanne,

looks like you only deprotected the CA atoms. If you have this as a named 
selection, try "A > modify > complete > molecules" and deprotect again. Or type:

PyMOL> deprotect bymol (sele)

Instead of working with one object and protecting/deprotecting of subsets of 
atoms, I suggest to extract the selection that you want to move to its own 
object. That's usually easier to handle.


On 04 Apr 2014, at 13:38, Lapolla, Suzanne M (HSC) <> 

> I am using pymol 1.3 and having trouble with doing manual superposition with 
> my structures. I am able to download my structures, select the portion I want 
> to move manually and, after deprotecting it using the action menu move it 
> using the shift-mouse editing command. When I do this with my selection shown 
> in cartoon mode, things look great, but then when i switch to show my 
> selected residues as  sticks,  the sticks become huge --they  get bigger  
> and/or  smaller as I move the structure.  Ideas on what I may be doing wrong? 
> Hope this makes sense. Thanks, Suzanne

Thomas Holder
PyMOL Developer
Schrödinger, Inc.

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