Oh, I see what your saying. This is a python question.

from sys import argv

c_arg1 = argv[1]
c_arg2 = argv[2]

from pymol import cmd, stored 

def align_heme(arg1, arg2 ):
        cmd align(arg1,arg2)
        #cmd.create(obj1, arg1) #There is no need to create an object here.


On Feb 4, 2014, at 6:57 PM, Yarrow Madrona <amadr...@uci.edu> wrote:

> Hello,
> I am making a script that loads in two molecules as arguments in the command 
> line. I want to then align these molecules and make a pretty picture of the 
> molecules that were input as arguments in the comand line but I am not sure 
> how to name them as objects. I don't know how to select the new objects 
> because they will have different names depending on the inputed arguments. My 
> attempt is below.
> -Yarrow
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> from sys import argv
> my_argv = argv[1:]
> print my_argv[0], my_argv[1]
> from pymol import cmd, stored 
> def align_heme(arg1, arg2 ):
>       cmd.load(arg1)
>       cmd.load(arg2)
>         cmd.create(obj1, arg1)  #I know this line won't work. I need to use 
> the                                            #object name. but it depends 
> on the input.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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