Hey :)

I thought there was a post recently about showing secondary structure in
C-alpha only models. I can't find it anymore, but in any case it's
something popping up now and again. For reconstruction of high-resolution
models out of coarse-grained ones, I came up with a very simple algorithm
for rebuilding the backbone based on C-alpha atoms only. I realized that
that could work for determining secondary structure, and made a function
out of it. It's not perfect, as sometimes a residue gets a flipped
backbone, but overall it seems to work pretty nicely. The following can be
put in a script (bbpredict.py):

from pymol import cmd
import math

def oprod(a,b):  return
def vsub(a,b):   return [i-j for i,j in zip(a,b)]
def cest(u,v,w): return [i+0.37*j+0.45*k for i,j,k in zip(u,v,w)]
def oest(u,v,w): return [i+0.37*j+1.75*k for i,j,k in zip(u,v,w)]
def hest(u,v,w): return [i-0.37*j-1.45*k for i,j,k in zip(u,v,w)]
def nest(u,v,w): return [i-0.37*j-0.45*k for i,j,k in zip(u,v,w)]
def norm(a):     return math.sqrt(sum([i**2 for i in a]))
def vdiv(a,b):   return [i/b for i in a]

def bbpredict(selection,name="bbpred"):
    m=cmd.get_model(selection+' and n. ca')
    d=[(vsub(j,i),vsub(k,i)) for i,j,k in zip(x,x[1:],x[2:])]
    o=[oprod(*i) for i in d]
    no=[vdiv(i,norm(i)) for i in o]

    CA = [("ATOM  %5d  CA  %3s %1s%4d    "+("%8.3f%8.3f%8.3f"%tuple(i)))
for i in x]
    N  = [("ATOM  %5d  N   %3s %1s%4d
 "+("%8.3f%8.3f%8.3f"%tuple(nest(i,j[0],k)))) for i,j,k in zip(x[1:],d,no)]
    H  = [("ATOM  %5d  H   %3s %1s%4d
 "+("%8.3f%8.3f%8.3f"%tuple(hest(i,j[0],k)))) for i,j,k in zip(x[1:],d,no)]
    C  = [("ATOM  %5d  C   %3s %1s%4d
 "+("%8.3f%8.3f%8.3f"%tuple(cest(i,j[0],k)))) for i,j,k in zip(x,d,no)]
    O  = [("ATOM  %5d  O   %3s %1s%4d
 "+("%8.3f%8.3f%8.3f"%tuple(oest(i,j[0],k)))) for i,j,k in zip(x,d,no)]

    j     = m.atom[0]
    bb    = [CA[0]%(3,j.resn,j.chain,int(j.resi))]
    stuff = zip(m.atom[1:],zip(N,H,CA[1:],C[1:],O[1:]))
    bb.extend([ i%(num,j.resn,j.chain,int(j.resi)) for j,k in stuff for
i,num in zip(k,range(5)) ])


#### END

Then it can be used e.g. as follows (yes, a full atomistic structure for

run bbpredict.py
fetch 6lzm
dss pred

I'll see if I can get the flips out and tidy the code up a bit. Then I'll
add this to the wiki. I hope it'll be of some use to anyone. The routine is
explained in a manuscript we just submitted.



Tsjerk A. Wassenaar, Ph.D.
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