Hi Daniel,

the "bymol" (long: bymolecule, short: bm.) operator expands the
selection to complete molecules, so all atoms which are connected by
bonds. This is independant of atomic identifiers, unlike the "byres"

The ID rolling problem is a problem of the PDB file format. The load_gro
function in PSICO (http://pymolwiki.org/index.php/Psico) for example
does some tricks to read in ID and resi numbers beyond the PDB limitation.


Daniel Mann wrote, On 07/05/13 14:09:
> Hey Thomas,
> could you elaborate on the "bymol" flag? E.g. the given example of 
> selecting molecules when you got > 9999 waters? Is there an easy 
> workaround for the ID rolling?
> Regards,
>      Daniel
> Am 01.07.13 21:38, schrieb Thomas Holder:
>> Matthew Baumgartner wrote, On 07/01/13 21:34:
>>> I removed the byres command because I have more then 10000 water
>>> molecules in my system and the residue ID's were rolling over and waters
>>> far from the residue of interest were being selected.
>>> If anyone has a suggestion on this, please let me know, I would like to
>>> select whole water molecules for making figures.
>> use "bymol".
>> Cheers,
>>    Thomas

Thomas Holder
PyMOL Developer
Schrödinger Contractor

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