Note that this kind of stuff is much easier in PyMOL 1.2 without any

(ScreenCasts for PyMOL Sponsors at
under "Complex Movie Creation" -- login first).

Nevertheless, a possible answer is below:


# PyMOL .pml file (tested against PyMOL 1.2)

load $PYMOL_PATH/test/dat/1tii.pdb

unset movie_auto_interpolate
unset movie_loop

mset 1 x800 

zoom center,200 
frame 1 
mview store 

zoom center,50 
frame 120 
mview store 
frame 180 
mview store 

zoom center,15 
frame 280 
mview store 
frame 360 
mview store 

zoom center,50 
frame 400 
mview store 
frame 420 
mview store 

mview interpolate

# instead of: movie.roll 421,755 

frame 531
turn y,120
mview store

frame 642
turn y,120
mview store

frame 756 
turn y,120
mview store 
mview interpolate, power=1

zoom center,200 
frame 800 

set movie_loop
mview interpolate

mview smooth


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Benjamin Bobay []
> Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2009 8:41 PM
> To:
> Subject: [PyMOL] movie.roll in middle of movie
> Good afternoon all -
> I think I have a simple question. I would like to have a series of
> "zooms" followed by a movie.roll and then zooming back to the start
> position. Here is what I have
> cmd.mset("1 x800")
> cmd.zoom("center","200")
> cmd.frame("1")
> cmd.mview("store")
> cmd.zoom("center","50")
> cmd.frame("120")
> cmd.mview("store")
> cmd.frame("180")
> cmd.mview("store")
> cmd.zoom("center","15")
> cmd.frame("280")
> cmd.mview("store")
> cmd.frame("360")
> cmd.mview("store")
> cmd.zoom("center","50")
> cmd.frame("400")
> cmd.mview("store")
> cmd.frame("420")
> cmd.mview("store")
> cmd.mview("store")
> cmd.frame("756")
> cmd.mview("store")
> cmd.zoom("center","200")
> cmd.frame("800")
> cmd.mview("reinterpolate")
> The problem is that is does not do the movie.roll and as the movie
> plays over and over it actually performs all the zoom actions and then
> rotates one frame and then starts the process again from that newly
> rotated frame.
> I would like it to perform the full rotation after the initial zoom
> and then perform the final zoom command.
> Any ideas where I might have messed this up?
> Many thanks
> Ben
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