The light and lightN settings are direction vectors, not coordinates.

Intensity (reflect setting) is averaged across all such directional  

It has recently been suggested that we need better control over  

Warren L. DeLano, Ph.D.

(Sent from a mobile device.  Please forgive brevity and/or typos!)

On Aug 20, 2009, at 4:14 PM, "Sean Moore" <> wrote:

> Hello,
> I could not find a way to search the archived sourceforge messages, so
> I apologize if this has been asked and answered.
> I am having trouble moving the light source before a ray command (I
> want to shine it into the crevice of a structure from behind and above
> my current view).
> I ended up using "light, [1,5,-100].  I know these are X,Y,Z
> coordinates, but relative to what origin and in what units?  After
> wasting way too much time, I concluded that the values might be
> Angstroms relative to the "eyes" of the current view.  In examples I
> found online, the numbers are small, so this doesn't make much sense.
> Also, I see there are several light sources available.  As more and
> more lights are turned on, do the XYZ values for each additional get
> taken in order from the top of the list? Is there a way to change the
> intensity of each light in addition to its position?
> Thanks for any help.
> -Sean
> --- 
> --- 
> --- 
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