
"select" doesn't create object, it creates atom selections, which are 
essentially lists of atoms in actual molecular objects.  Selections have almost 
no properties, settings, or anything else other than a name (if they are named 
selections) and a display state (pink dots, on or off).  Performing operations 
on selections really means operating on selected atoms within one or more 
molecular objects.

"create" copies atoms into a new object.  The resulting object is independent 
of the prior copy, and thus, can have different settings, colors, 
representations, display states (on/off), etc.


-----Original Message-----
From: Dirk Kostrewa [mailto:kostr...@genzentrum.lmu.de]
Sent: Wed 7/22/2009 6:22 AM
Subject: [PyMOL] Difference between create and select?
Dear Warren & PyMOLers,

I notice that "create" is needed to make objects that can have  
different transparency settings. But what exactly is the difference  
between "create" and "select", since both commands seem to make a new  
object from the atom selection?

Best regards,


Dirk Kostrewa
Gene Center, A 5.07
Feodor-Lynen-Str. 25
81377 Munich
Phone:  +49-89-2180-76845
Fax:    +49-89-2180-76999
E-mail: kostr...@genzentrum.lmu.de
WWW:    www.genzentrum.lmu.de

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