As for the your general question:  can you "import pymol; from pymol
import cmd; pymol.finish_launching(); etc"?

Answer 1: Yes, if you manually compile PyMOL open-source code into an
existing Python interpreter. 


Answer 2: Yes, if you run your Python script using PyMOL's built-in
Python interpreter (launch PyMOL as follows):

./pymol      # with full 3D GUI
./pymol -qc  # command-line only (in a terminal)


Answer 3: Yes, if you call your Python script from a PyMOL script via
the "run" or "spawn" commands inside PyMOL.


Answer 4: No, if you want precompiled PyMOL build to work with an
external precompiled Python build.  This approach has proved impractical
due unavoidable application binary interface (ABI) version mismatches
between PyMOL, Python, and the host environment.
As for your specific question, this is something you could do with a
plain old script without even introducing the complexity of Python:

load $TUT/1hpv.pdb, query

remove not polymer

create tmp, query

set dot_solvent

get_area tmp, load_b=1

# threshold on what one considers an "exposed" atom (in A**2):

remove tmp and b<2.5

tmp_dict = {}

iterate tmp, tmp_dict[(chain,resv)]=1

select exposed 

exposed = tmp_dict.keys()


print "Solvent exposed residues (chain,residue):"

for res in exposed: print res

select exposed, query in tmp

dele tmp

# visual confirmation

color white

color red, byres exposed

set sphere_solvent

as spheres



> -----Original Message-----
> From: Yasser Almeida Hernandez []
> Sent: Friday, June 05, 2009 9:18 AM
> To:
> Subject: [PyMOL] Hi all...
> I want to make a python script to list the surface residues of a
> protein. The idea is import the pymol module inside the script,
> receive the pdb file to be analyzed and run the pymol's commands to do
> this task. It is possible..? the script is to tun in a classical
> terminal...
> Thanks...
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
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