I just had the same problem, it seems to happen when parts of the cartoon from one of the objects overlaps with similar parts of a cartoon from the second object.

Daniel Rigden wrote:
Dear all

Thanks for the replies.  After a few minutes testing it seems that the
problem is only caused when I create an object which, unintentionally
(carelessly), selects from across different molecules.  If load 1jqd
through PDB loader then do

create parallel, resid 111-116 or resid 82-88 or resid 53-59 or resid

no problem.

However, if I make duplicate objects then issue the same create command
I see incomplete strands.  The artifacts are worse if there are two
duplicates than if there is one.

So, I don't know why this should PyMOL a problem, but the lesson seems
to be to take more care with object creation.  Incidentally, I could
also get round the problem by saving the object 'parallel' and reloading
it, but this workaround seems unnecessary.



On Thu, 2008-10-09 at 08:21 -0700, DeLano Scientific wrote:

This is just a guess, but I suspect that there is a problem with identifiers 
and/or residue ordering in the structure which may be confusing PyMOL.  A 
command like

label name ca, segi+"-"+chain+"-"+resi
may help reveal what is going on.


DeLano Scientific LLC
Subscriber Support Services

-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel Rigden [mailto:drig...@liverpool.ac.uk] Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2008 3:20 AM
To: pymol-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [PyMOL] incompletely drawn cartoon strands

Dear all

I've just extracted a region of B sheet from a structure to produce a session 
for teaching purposes.  To my surprise, when I created an object from the four 
distinct stretches making up the sheet, PyMOL redrew the previously complete 
strands in a very incomplete way (attached).  When I colour by secondary 
structure I can see that they are all defined as 'beta'.  Why will cartoon not 
draw complete arrows for me?  I looked for settings that might be relevant but 
couldn't see any.  I'm on 0.99rc6, if that makes any difference.

Thanks in advance for your help



H. Adam Steinberg
Artist, Scientist

Information Technology and Media Center
Department of Biochemistry
University of Wisconsin-Madison
433 Babcock Drive
Madison, WI 53706

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