Although we cannot answer specific questions about an unsupported interface,
your question about "self_cmd" is relevant to the overall project since we
are intending to support multiple PyMOL instances within a single Python
interpreter via: 
from pymol2 import PyMOL
instance1 = PyMOL()
instance2 = PyMOL()
Thus, the old way of messaging the PyMOL API:
from pymol import cmd
will not work correctly if there two or more active instances.  Instead,
each instance has its own "cmd" module and programming interface:
For example:
As for "self_cmd", all Python-based code called from the C layer must
therefore be given a handle pointing at the instance from which it was
called so that it can do useful work. This is the role of the self_cmd
argument, and you'll see similar constructs in both the Python-based wizards
and the Tcl/Tk GUIs.
DeLano Scientific LLC
Subscriber Support Services

From: DeLano Scientific [mailto:del...@delsci.info] 
Sent: Monday, June 23, 2008 9:31 AM
To: 'NeO'; 'supp...@delsci.com'; 'pymol-users@lists.sourceforge.net'
Subject: RE: [PyMOL] Question about PyMOL development

Unfortunately, the PyMOL's internal gui pop-up menu system was not designed
as nor intended to be a programmers interface and is subject to change at
any time.  Any code which relies upon its behavior may therefore break with
future versions of the software.  
DeLano Scientific LLC
Subscriber Support Services


From: pymol-users-boun...@lists.sourceforge.net
[mailto:pymol-users-boun...@lists.sourceforge.net] On Behalf Of NeO
Sent: Sunday, June 22, 2008 7:46 AM
To: supp...@delsci.com; pymol-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [PyMOL] Question about PyMOL development

Hi Warren,

I've read 'Executive.c' under '/trunk/pymol/layer3', it seems that you've
pre-defined all the cases that button actions and popup menu changes in
function ' ExecutiveClick ', I can understand only part of it. Now, I'm
wondering that if I want to implement my thought ( - left-click the C-alpha
atom in the structure, there will be a PopUp window coming out with
self-defined information in the Viewer window), I have to modify the source
code in C-layer and compile the whole source? Am I right? Or, is there any
trick to do this in Python-layer? 


On Sun, Jun 22, 2008 at 1:59 PM, NeO <bobop...@gmail.com> wrote:

Dear Warren,

How are you?

I'm writing a wizard, in which I want to implement the function that when I
left-click the C-alpha atom, there will be a PopUp window coming out with my
defined information in the Viewer window. I can do it using
'tkMessageBox.showinfo', but I want to make it beautiful.

I know that when you left-double click or right-click the protein structure,
the popup menu show up. I read the source code of 'menu.py', I'm not sure in
the function, the parameter 'self_cmd', what's it for? where the menu
functions are called? If I figure it out, I think I can code it in my

Hope you can help me :)

Best Wishes


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