> The goal is 
> to produce a Pymol that uses native Windows graphics, not one 
> that requires X11.


Please note that the goal behind Open-Source PyMOL (as maintained by DeLano
Scientific LLC) is to enable compilation under open-source operating
systems, and primarily, Linux with X11/GLUT.  It not our current intent to
support, assist, or encourage native compilation of PyMOL open-source code
on closed-source operating systems, despite the fact that such compilation
is deliberately permitted under the unrestrictive open-source license terms.

An open-source version targeting native Windows (via any means) would
necessarily comprise a fork of the project.  Since such a fork would provide
a realistic alternative to DeLano Scientific LLC's precompiled incentive
builds for Windows, it could jeopardize our ability to continue funding
development of the open-source code.  

If PyMOL revenues were imperiled, then to make ends meet, DeLano Scientific
LLC would have no choice but to redirect development efforts into
proprietary assets, significantly curtailing participation in the
unrestricted open-source project.  At the very least, our unrestrictive
open-source license would have to be restricted in future versions, thus
defeating one of the primary aims of the project.  

We don't want that... do you?

If not, then proceed down this path only with due care and consideration of
the possible consequences.  Given enough effort, native compilation is
certainly do-able, but it is not intended to be easy... nor commonplace.  

To the extent that you achieve your goal, please do think twice before
publicly sharing the fruits and/or details of that success.  We would
naturally prefer that such accomplishments remain private, since the future
of PyMOL could well depend upon it.

With great freedom comes great responsibility! ;)

Warren L. DeLano
DeLano Scientific LLC

> -----Original Message-----
> From: pymol-users-boun...@lists.sourceforge.net 
> [mailto:pymol-users-boun...@lists.sourceforge.net] On Behalf 
> Of David Mathog
> Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2007 12:14 PM
> To: pymol-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> Subject: [PyMOL] Building pymol on Windows?
> Since building under Mingw is turning out to be nontrivial, 
> let me broaden the question slightly.  How does one build 
> PyMol from source (via subversion) on Windows?  The goal is 
> to produce a Pymol that uses native Windows graphics, not one 
> that requires X11.
> Other than Warren, has anybody successfully built PyMol on Windows?
> If so, please let us know how it was done.
> Thanks,
> David Mathog
> mat...@caltech.edu
> Manager, Sequence Analysis Facility, Biology Division, Caltech

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