Hi Andreas,

thanks for that pointer - sounds pretty easy. I'll give it a try next time!

Best regards,


Andreas Forster wrote:
Tassos, Dirk,

sorry for the very late reply, but I've just now finished going through a
few hundred list mails that had accumulated.

For converting scenes to movies, Joel Bard's slerpy is really shweet. Check
it out at http://www.pymolwiki.org/index.php/Slerpy.

What I do is the following - after putting slerpy's two scripts into the
current directory and opening pymol:
- load session.pse
- import slerpy
- F1 (or wherever your first scene resides)
- sscene (makes slerpy understand scene 1)
- F2
- sscene (makes slerpy understand scene 2)
- swrite arbitraryName (saves parameters for interpolation)
- srecord (does the interpolation)
- set ray_trace_frames, 1 (makes sure your images are ray-traced before they
are saved)
- mpng anotherName (writes out 50 images covering the interpolation from
scene 1 to scene 2)
- go have a coffee
- make movie from images in ImageReady

I was amazed.  This worked exactly as I had expected.  The most taxing part
was walking to the coffee machine.  Thanks, Joel!


On 3/30/07, Dirk Kostrewa <dirk.kostr...@psi.ch> wrote:

Hi Tassos,

I found the following article, but haven't tried it on my own:


I hope this helps!

Best regards,


Anastassis Perrakis wrote:
> Dear pymolers -
> One can store 'Scenes' and then switch between them; the algorithm
> that goes from one scene to each other is very nice.
> Can one ask Pymol to write frames going from one scene to another to
> png files to make a movie ?
> or does anyone have python code that can render the transitions
> between views/scenes in a different way ?
> best - tassos


Dirk Kostrewa
Paul Scherrer Institut
Biomolecular Research, OFLC/110
CH-5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland
Phone:  +41-56-310-4722
Fax:    +41-56-310-5288
E-mail: dirk.kostr...@psi.ch

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