Hi David,

The state sort of refers to the frame or model in case of a
multiframe/multimodel (multistate) system. You don't need to use it
with set, it's optional. Just note that "dash_length" and dash_length
are quite different things.



On 3/28/07, David Shin <dav...@scripps.edu> wrote:
This regards to my last post.

I finally got it with:
PyMOL>set dash_length, 0.1, measure01, 1

and got the message:
Setting: dash_length set to 0.10000 in object "measure01", state 1.

but was wondering what "state" actually refers too...

ie. previously, I tried:
PyMOL>set "dash_length", 0.1, measure01

and got the error:
Error: unknown setting '"dash_length"'.

which is why asked the question before.


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Tsjerk A. Wassenaar, Ph.D.
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