Yun, Precompiled PyMOL builds for Windows run inside their own Python interpreter. Thus, to access PyMOL from Python, you need to run your script from within PyMOL. An easy way to do this is to give your script a ".pym" extension. Cheers, DeLano Scientific LLC Subscriber Support Services <> "Not yet a PyMOL Subscriber, but want to support the project? Email to quote your lab, school, or employer. Thank you for sponsoring this open-source endeavor!" -WLD
_____ From: [] On Behalf Of Li, Yun Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2007 11:09 AM To: Subject: [PyMOL] ImportError: No module named _cmd Hi, I just installed the latest windows binary of PyMol on a PC. I tried to run PyMol from a Python script and run into the following error message: "ImportError: No module named _cmd" I remember running into the problem before. From somewhere I was able to find a _cmd.dll and solved the problem. But this time I could find a solution. Hope somebody could help me. Yun Li Assistant Professor of Chemistry Delaware Valley College 700 E. Butler Ave., Doylestown, PA 18901 (215) 489-2482