Hello Pymol-users,
I have a problem mapping electrostatics on the surface of my pdb file
generated using the hhpred modelling method.
I load my pdb file and then do actions->generate ->vacuum
electrostatics->protein contact potential.
Pymol does a number of calculations and generates some objects, but then
finally ends up with an error message:
Fixing termini and assigning formal charges...
Util: Assigning Amber 99 charges and radii...
util.sum_formal_charges: sum = 15.0
util.sum_partial_charges: sum = 15.000
Util: Calculating electrostatic potential...
ObjectMap: Map created.
SelectorMapCoulomb: Total charge is 15.000 for 5455 points (5455 atoms).
SelectorMapCoulomb: Evaluating local Coulomb potential for grid
Executive: object "hhpred_531_879_mdl_060918_chain_e_pot" created.
Setting-Error: unknown color 'hhpred_531_879_mdl_060918_chain_e_pot'
I end up with a surface which has green, blue and red patches and not
the nice white,blue and red one that I see whenever I try this command
on other test pdb files. Does anybody know what is the problem?
Pernille Haste Andersen, M. Sc., Ph D. student
Immunological Bioinformatics group,
Center for Biological Sequence Analysis,
BioCentrum-DTU,Technical University of Denmark,
Bld. 208, DK-2800 LYNGBY, DENMARK
Tel:(+45) 45252472
E-mail : p...@cbs.dtu.dk