This is off-topic on this list, but I figured someone among the
subscribers might have an idea about what is going on. I posted a
question on the Nvidia nVnews forum, but got no replies so far.

We are using version 8756 of the Nvidia driver on Fedora Core 5. There
are several machines with various versions of the Quadro chip. The
driver seems to work, except for Stereographics emitter sync on older
NV25 and NV28 cards. On NV25 the emitter led does not light at all, and
on NV28 it lights, but the synchronization is off (the picture flickers
badly and there is no proper stereo effect when looking through the
glasses). Newer NV36 cards work as advertised.

This happens with the 8756 and 8178 (requires patching to work at all on
FC5) drivers when using the latest kernels, 2.6.16-1.2096_FC5 or
2.6.16-1.2080_FC5. The machines have x86 Pentium 4 processors.

Has anyone else seen this? Does stereo work using these drivers on older
kernels/distributions and this is just kernel/compiler incompatibility
on Fedora 5?

Mikko Huhtala

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