
I did a bit of testing (memory figures from top VIRT column, after pymol
had finished executing commands and was responsive to input):

>pymol set.pml (316MB)
save test.pse (537MB)
reinitialize ; load test.pse (539MB after load)
reinitialize ; load test.pse (540MB after load)
reinitialize ; load test.pse (542MB after load)

> pymol test.pse (532MB)

It looks to me like there's a small memory leak when reloading the same
session file, but that this is fairly minor compared to the difference
between loading objects from a script and loading from a session file.


> Pete,
> It is a PyMOL fact of life that session files take more memory, because
> all state information must transient exist in both Python and C while the
> session is being loading.  However, we should get that memory back after
> the session is fully loaded.  If not, then you may be right about a memory
> leak.  A good way to test this is to see what happens if you load the same
> session over and over again without restarting PyMOL.  Does memory usage
> consistently increase or does it level off?
> The most likely cause of this would be PyMOL failing to decrement the
> reference counts on certain session data.
> Cheers,
> Warren
> --
> Warren L. DeLano, Ph.D.
> Principal Scientist
> . DeLano Scientific LLC
> . 400 Oyster Point Blvd., Suite 213
> . South San Francisco, CA 94080 USA
> . Biz:(650)-872-0942  Tech:(650)-872-0834
> . Fax:(650)-872-0273  Cell:(650)-346-1154
> . mailto:war...@delsci.com
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: pymol-users-ad...@lists.sourceforge.net
>> [mailto:pymol-users-ad...@lists.sourceforge.net] On Behalf Of
>> Peter Adrian Meyer
>> Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2006 3:15 PM
>> To: pymol-users@lists.sourceforge.net
>> Subject: [PyMOL] pse/session files increase memory usage?
>> Hi all,
>> For complex scenes, I've noticed that pymol 0.99rc6 (with
>> ext0.99rc1) on linux appears to use more memory when started
>> from a pse file than it does when loading the models/maps
>> manually or from a pml script (based on the fact that I get
>> out of memory errors during ray-tracing after starting from a
>> pse, but not after starting from pml scripts).
>> The easy work-around is to use pml scripts instead of pse
>> files, but I was curious if anyone else had run into this
>> (or, for that matter if it's a known issue...my best guess
>> would be that there's a memory leak somewhere, or that the
>> configuration flags I used to build python were causing problems).
>> Pete
>> Pete Meyer
>> Fu Lab
>> BMCB grad student
>> Cornell University
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Pete Meyer
Fu Lab
BMCB grad student
Cornell University

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