I'm trying to start PyMol from another python program.
After the 0_99beta17 it is possible to start it from the __main__ part of a
code. But when I start PyMol from a function 'pymol.finish_launching()' goes
in an endless loop.
Here goes an example:
def funct():
import __main__
__main__.pymol_argv = [ 'pymol', '-qx' ]
import pymol
print "finished"
if __name__ == '__main__':
In this case PyMol window starts, but program never reaches 'print
The same time
if __name__ == '__main__':
import __main__
__main__.pymol_argv = [ 'pymol', '-qx' ]
import pymol
print "finished"
works fineand prints "finshed"
after getting into PyMol's finish_launching() (inside __init__.py)
while not hasattr(__main__,'pymol'):
Goes in an endless loop.
I've tried print dir(__main__) just before this loop. When PyMol is
launched not from a function, __main__ indeed have attributes '__main__' and
'pymol'. Launched from a function, there are no '__main__' or 'pymol', but
I'll really appreciate any help or hints how make it possible to launch
PyMol from a function or from a method of some class.