Hi all,

I've been trying to make my first "real" movie in Pymol with rTools 0.7 and PymolX11Hybrid (0.98) on OSX 10.3. So far rTools does what I want it to (mv_morph is awesome!) but I cannot get rTools to cycle through the states of a morph I've made. I can get individual states to show up

mv_rot 1-100:1, x, 360, mov

will rotate state 1, and

mv_rot 1-100:10, x, 360, mov

will rotate state 10, but

mv_rot 1-100:1-10, x, 360, mov

does not cycle through the states as is suggested in the rTools documentation. Is there a way to make rTools cycle through the states of an object while doing other things? Is there a way to make it cycle through states at all? I've tried mixing some mset and mplay commands (which work on their own) with the rTools commands but without success.

Ideally what I'd like to do is mv_trans OBJ1 and dock it onto OBJ2 while OBJ2 stays in state 1. Then I'd like to mv_rot OBJ1 while, at the same time, cycling through the morphed states of OBJ2. Is something like this even possible?



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