
I cannot change the color for rendering modes I defined.

I do not understand what you mean by this.


I mean that the color, for cartoon view, is unchangeable when 'set cartoon_color' is defined in the $HOME/.pymolrc file. Thus, when I define 'set cartoon_color' in the $HOME/.pymolrc file, I cannot change the color, for the cartoons, from the GUI.

The color is kept whatever I do.

I take it that you mean that choosing the "C" box on the right-hand menu
for the object in question and then selecting a colour or colouring
scheme results in no change to your cartoon representation. In that
case, I think that what you need to do is type:

  set cartoon_color, default

Then the cartoon is not forced to be the colour that you set (slate) but
takes on the colour of the atoms in the object.


Yes, that's it.
I know that I only have to comment or change this line.

But does this problem look like a bug ?

Sébastien Moretti
31 chemin Joseph Aiguier
13402 Marseille cedex

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