If the pair of images at the bottom of
"" is what
you'd like to do, then modify the "cartoon_loop_radius"... The default
for this setting is 0.2, so typing "set cartoon_loop_radius, 0.4" should
achieve the desired effect by doubling it (in order to successfully
apply this setting to just a particular subset of atoms, you'd need to
create a new object out of that selection of atoms -- see the "create"
command in the manual). The sample PyMOL macro and PDB file that
produced that pair of images are also on the website.
Good luck,
=== Marc Vogt wrote (on 07/27/2005 01:16 PM): ===
Hello all
I want to increase loop/coil thickness while preserving the standard
cartoon for alpha and beta regions. I like the thickness that is a result
of "cartoon tube, all", but it removes the regular cartoon depictions in
the helical and beta regions. Any ideas?
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